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Baby books

The best way to get babies started with reading is through interacting and playing. For babies, the most important thing is to be stimulated! Our sound books are ideal to introduce the joys of reading to your little one. With colorful images and playful songs, they are both a visual and auditory experience! The books are specially designed to support the development of your babies’ senses while encouraging good motor skills and active engagement.

How to use:

Sing Along: It’s easy, get your kids to open their mouths and let sounds and words come out! Babies start to imitate sounds and match pitches at around 3 months old. 

Motor Skills: Watch and learn! Babies aged 0-12 months are not yet done developing their senses and are learning to understand the world around them. That’s why they enjoy books with a range of textures for them to explore. Picture books with smooth, shiny, glittery or matte pages that are strong and sturdy are great for young children to touch and feel.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You may notice that kids around 3-6 months old can start focusing on items like a mirror, a toy or a book. As they discover their own senses, picture books and musical books can become a great source of exploration for them.

Children will engage with books when you’re reading/singing to them. It’s not about understanding the words, but they will enjoy the bright illustrations and the recognizable tunes

Our sound books are interactive, fun and educational. From listening skills to motor skills, it’s a great way to get your babies started on their learning journey.

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